Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2013

Nice evening :)

Hello all, out there! :D

This evening we was at Murgtal, to boulder a little bit. The weather was not that good, it was raining, but we were at the "Sojus"-Boulder, this one was dry, finally.
When I speak of  "we", I mean Dani and me ;)
We had there a funny evening at Sojus - 7C+.
Here I have a nice picture of the boulder:

Freitag, 17. Mai 2013

getting closer.. =)

Hello Everybody :D

Yesterday, was also my birthday, and I went to bouler a bit in Murgtal. First stop was the overhang, where my friend Dani has his project, there I warmed up. Dani was also there with me and gave the boulder some go's. Unfortunately, it began to rain, and we had to go to my FA-Project, where I really wanted to give some tries and test some things I thought about.
It went really good, I could do all the moves from the start. At the moment, I have no solution how to topout the boulder, it's really hard on the top with mini crimpers and no good position to get in. This boulder is really the hardest thing I've ever tried. I think I know a solution that would be good, but yesterday, I hadn't more power to test it. I think I'm getting closer every time when I'm at the project.
After a few tries, we went to the under sector. There was a project of Dani, that he still hadn't climbed. It's name is "New kids on the block" and is rated 7A+. Unfortunately, he couldn't do it, but we did other nice unnamed boulders next to his project, and had a lot of fun :)
Then we realised that it was 21:30 and it was dark :D

conclusion: really nice birthday with some hard moves and a lot of fun!

I have some nice pictures of the evening, with my new camera, that I get from my parents :D (thank you for this one!)

Little crimper on the upper part
Dani on New Kids on the Block
Dani on a nice boulder next to New Kids on the Block